At the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Mozilla unveiled its Firefox mobile operating system, announcing new partners among operators, manufacturers and content developers. America Movil, Deutsche Telekom, Telefonica and Telenor will be the first to launch Firefox phones, and these devices are expected to become available by mid-2013. Mozilla will also launch its own app store, called Firefox Marketplace.
Tarifica’s Take
With an open-access operating system based on its widely-accepted Firefox web browser, we think Mozilla has a great chance of finding a respectable niche in the mobile marketplace. In fact, its impact on the market may well be greater than what most analysts are projecting.
That brings us back to our main story this week. The Firefox launch is all the more reason why BlackBerry needs to be competitive with its pricing, for before long, in addition to battling iPhones and Android devices, it could find the new Firefox-driven phones nipping at its heels.